Cloud9 Bundle
Conceptually similar to the TextMate Bundle, a Cloud9 Bundle is a collection of resources that can be packed into a plugin for distribution to fellow coders. The following resources can be included in a Cloud9 Bundle.
Runners | Small JSON file defining how to run a particular type of source file. |
Builders | Small JSON file defining how to build a particular type of source file. |
Keymaps | JSON file that sets custom key bindings. |
Snippets | A structure file that defines new snippets for a language mode. |
Modes | Syntax highlighting, folding rules and behaviors for a language. |
Outline | Small JSON file describing the parse rules that make up the outline view for a mode. |
Themes | A css file describing the syntax highlighting colors. |
Templates | A definition of new file templates. |
To add a resource to your plugin create a directory and give it the name of the resource type you are adding in all lower case.
cd myplugin
mkdir themes
cd themes
Then add your resource to that directory. Note that each resource has its own format and meta data. See the individual guides for more information.
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